Kennedy Turner (Website Copywriting)

For a previous iteration of their homepage, Kennedy Turner decided to bring me on board for some help with their website copywriting.

website copywriting kennedyturner

They told me, in their own words, that “we know what we want to say, but we’re not sure how to say it.” That’s a sentiment that’s pretty common in the world of website copywriting!

A couple of drafts of homepage copy later, we were just about there.

These folks were keen to have a website that made them seem very approachable but, of course, there’s more to website copywriting than just sounding friendly.

It was really important for us to focus on two things in the content:

  1. The studio’s fast-paced startup mentality
  2. Their passion for working with philanthropic companies

That second point, highlighted in their website copywriting saw Kennedy Turner come to specialise in working exclusively with healthcare startups.

kennedy turner website copywriting

When it comes to web copywriting, you don’t get long to capture people’s interest. We wanted to focus on jumping straight into the problems potential clients were likely to be having.

AMAZING. We’re really glad we got you on board, we’d never have been able to sound so friendly.

– James Turner

That involved some discussion with Holly and James on some of the companies they’ve worked with previously, drawing out the issues they were most commonly facing.

This project was completed several years ago, and the folks at Kennedy Turner have significantly streamlined their site since then. That’s why I’ve included various screenshots on this page!

It’s included here because it remains a great example of what the process of website copywriting – from gathering information about previous clients to highlighting the value you add to customers – looks like when you work with me.